There’s lots of reasons why people decide to return to study as a mature aged student. Whatever your motivation, we understand it’s a choice that doesn’t come without its own unique set of challenges - and, of course, benefits. We’ll delve into some statistics regarding adult learning in Australia, and how education is always a worthwhile investment - regardless of what life stage you might be in.

What classifies someone as a mature aged student?
Mature aged learners are anyone who has not recently graduated from secondary school. Maybe you spent your first few years fresh out of Year 12 gaining work experience, and now find yourself with a clearer picture of what you want to pursue. Maybe you took time off after having kids and now you’re ready to re-enter the workforce, or you wish to do a complete 180 and try your hand at an entirely new career of your interest. Maybe you never got the chance to finish Year 12 when you were younger, and are now in a position to do so. Regardless, you’re sure to find common ground with those around you because they’ve also taken the initiative to further their own education - just like yourself.
Statistics on mature aged learning in Australia
The following graph depicts all Australians aged 15-74 years of age currently enrolled in study, as of May 2021 - the most recent release on education and work by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). As you might guess, fewer people study as they age:

Interestingly, however, you can see in this next graph that it’s more common for adults to complete qualifications at the certificate, diploma and advanced diploma levels as they get older - highlighting the importance and relevance of the VET sector for mature aged students, and not just for teenagers undertaking school-based apprenticeships or traineeships (SBATs).

Advantages to adult learning
Studying as a mature aged student no doubt comes with its own unique set of challenges. You likely have far more responsibilities and commitments on your shoulders, such as raising a family, working full-time, and just generally handling everything life throws at you. Despite the obstacles that might come your way, you’ll be well-equipped with the life experience, wisdom and mature learning mindset to set your educational experience apart, for the better, from that of the average school leaver:
The vast majority of students Fresh Futures serves are anywhere from their late thirties to early sixties, from all walks of life. You can rest assured that you’ll be in the good company of other like-minded individuals, having also taken the initiative to return to school - just like yourself.
The nature of the courses offered by our partner RTOs mean the experiences and perspectives of an older adult lend themselves well to succeeding in that profession. You’ll already have ingrained a diverse range of soft skills which are paramount to being an effective learner.
Pursuing higher education is not an assumed decision for mature-aged students, like it tends to be for young adults. As mentioned above, you may have children or family to provide for, in addition to financially supporting your own studies. Choosing to advance your education, given these factors, can result in even greater self-fulfilment and gratification.
We'd love to help you through the process.
Investing in yourself is one of the best decisions you can ever make - and here at Fresh Futures, we’re dedicated to helping you make the most informed decision possible. Our Career Advisors are committed to an excellence in educational consultancy, streamlining the process by partnering with only the highest quality institutions in Melbourne. We’d love to have a chat with you to answer any questions or address any concerns you might have about studying as a mature aged student, so please feel free to reach out to us!